GeneRally is a top-down arcade racing game, originally created in 2001 by Hannu & Jukka Räbinä as an homage to the classic “Slicks ‘n’ Slide” game. GeneRally revolves around simple gameplay and the ability for any user to create their own tracks and racing experiences using the provided track editor. Over the years, the community has created hundreds of thousands of cars, tracks and other mods to extend the lifespan of the game.
While many cars, tracks, and other add-ons can be found at the GeneRally International forum, there’s been so much goddamn stuff released for the game that it’s almost impossible to know where to start.
The PretendRaceCars Starterpack aims to get rid of the initial “what the fuck do I download” by packaging almost every noteworthy car released for the game, as well as five of the toughest tracks. You can find this pack HERE.
Obviously don’t try and put every single car file into the game at once. Above is a sampling of the cars you can expect to find in this pack, and below are some fancy high-quality renders.